Why I’m Running

I am running to ensure that our children will have a healthy, safe, and livable future. I am running to bring the values of equality, fairness, integrity, and stewardship of the Earth to the State House. I am running to support policies which reduce long-term energy costs by developing renewable alternatives to fossil fuels. I am running to ease the burdens on working families who need decent wages, affordable housing, childcare, and healthcare. I am running to protect the freedom of women to make their own choices about reproductive health care. I am running to support public schools.

I Stand With Teachers And Students

Quality public education, from kindergarten through college, is the backbone of a sound economy and a flourishing democracy. That’s why recent efforts to starve schools of needed resources and intimidate teachers are so disturbing. Students need us to support their teachers, not get in their way.

I Stand With Women

Women’s freedom is under assault, from the recent abortion ban after 24 weeks, to the defunding of agencies that provide contraceptive services, and inadequate funding for childcare. The state has no business dictating health care options for women! I will be a voice to protect a woman’s right to choose an abortion under the care of a medical provider.

I Stand With The Earth

Our NH way of life and economy depend on protecting the natural environment. From growing up in a rural community to my leadership of the Canterbury Energy Committee, I have always worked to motivate and educate others to reduce environmental threats. We need a state energy policy and legislation that will lower our greenhouse gas emissions to lead us forward to a clean energy future that will protect our health, our economy, and the environment for our children..

I Stand With Workers And Working Families

Our families are under stress to find affordable childcare, decent housing, and quality health care. Our businesses and public agencies need to be able to attract qualified and dependable workers. That's why we need policies that encourage adequate and affordable childcare and housing and livable wages.