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Letters to the Editor

Concord Monitor

Letter: Ruth Heath for state rep

Published: 9/21/2022 7:00:46 AM

Ruth Heath deserves our vote for state representative in Merrimack District 4, Loudon and Canterbury. I have known Ruth for years and have always been impressed by her devotion to community, her work as a volunteer for many organizations, her compassion, and her strong work ethic.

Ruth is a real champion of clean energy and a strong defender of women’s right to choose. A retired teacher, she supports strong public schools. And as a long-time member of the NH State Employees Association, she understands and will defend the needs of working families. Please vote for Ruth Heath in November.

Judy Elliott, Canterbury

Concord Monitor

Letter: Please vote for Ruth

Published: 10/21/2022 7:00:28 AM

I am writing today with a recommendation to all the citizens in Merrimack District 4, which is Loudon and Canterbury, that they cast their vote for Ruth Heath, who is running for one of the two New Hampshire House of Representatives seats. I have known Ruth for 45 years, when we were both involved in the Horizon’s Edge School in Canterbury.

Over the years Ruth has been a middle and high school math teacher as well as teaching at NHTI and working as a computer programmer and analyst. But, more importantly, as a New Hampshire representative she will be a voice for protecting our state and the future we are passing on to our children. She will ensure a women’s right to make her own decisions about her health. Lastly, Ruth has the work ethic and integrity that will make us confident about New Hampshire’s future. Please vote for our future and cast your vote for Ruth Heath.

George Saunderson, Loudon

Concord Monitor

Letter: Voters in Loudon and Canterbury

Published: 10/11/2022 7:00:39 AM

On Sept. 24 there was a letter to editor titled “Are you concerned?” written by Ruth Heath who is running for the NH State House to represent Loudon and Canterbury in Merrimack District 4. Ruth clearly states what her values are and why she is running. From my personal experience working with Ruth on Environment & Energy Committees and the Solarize Canterbury campaign, I can attest that she is a very capable leader who listens to different points of view and is a “take charge” type of personality that is goal and results oriented.

Ruth’s capability and compassion are values that would certainly benefit the State House and the citizens of New Hampshire. If you are concerned about preserving the earth for our children and grandchildren, women’s choice, affordable healthcare and housing, and our democracy, then please vote for Ruth Heath on Nov. 8.

Ronald Litalien, Canterbury

Concord Monitor

Letter: Are you concerned?

Published: 9/24/2022 7:01:20 AM

Are you concerned about preserving women’s rights to reproductive health and abortion? About climate change threatening our future? About the challenges New Hampshire working families face trying to get quality healthcare, childcare, and housing? About tax burdens being downshifted to property taxpayers? About rising energy prices? I am, and I’m running to represent Loudon and Canterbury (Merrimack District 4) in the New Hampshire State House in order to work for solutions. I decided to run to protect my brand new granddaughter’s future, to ensure it is safe, healthy, and livable, and to make sure she can attend high quality public schools.

If elected on November 8, I will listen carefully, think deeply, reach across political divides, and vote with our children’s future in mind. I will stand with teachers, with all workers, with families, with small businesses (including small farmers), while bringing my values of integrity, hard work, fairness, respect and frugality to the State House. I humbly ask for your vote on November 8 and that you vote all the way down the ballot because the decisions made in the New Hampshire State House affect you and your family.

Ruth M. Heath, Canterbury

Concord Monitor

Letter: Time to vote

Published: 10/4/2022 7:00:47 AM

Canterbury and Loudon voters, it’s time to say “enough,” time to replace our current legislators who care little for women’s rights, public education and climate change. It’s time to elect moderate to progressive candidates, compassionate folks who are able to think for themselves and not follow the right-wing/free state playbook.

It’s time, Canterbury and Loudon Democrats, independents and enlightened Republicans, to vote on November 8 all the way down the ballot to support Ruth Heath, Ellen Scarponi and David Nesbitt for the Legislature, as well as Christine Tappan for the Senate.

Mark Hampton, Canterbury

Concord Monitor

Letter: Vote blue in ‘22

Published: 10/16/2022 7:01:32 AM

Our state legislature has been, in recent elections, hijacked by anti-everything Free Staters and rudderless Republicans who go along with the extremist agenda. The New Hampshire way of life is threatened by anti-government forces that don’t value the collective efforts of citizens in our towns and cities. (And apparently they don’t need their roads cleared after blizzards, their air breathable, or their house-fire doused in an emergency.)

I want a functioning government, and one that listens to the people who voted it in. When you go to the polls on November 8, please vote out the forces that fear progress and want to dismantle it. Vote for leaders who will listen and who value us, their constituents. Vote for leaders like Ellen Scarponi, Ruth Heath, Christine Tappan, and David Nesbitt. And don’t forget Tom Sherman, Cinde Warmington, Maggie Hassan and Annie Kuster either. Heck, make it easy and just vote blue right down the ticket. This year, it’s the way to go. Republicans who are furthering the dismantling of our democracy simply do not deserve any American’s support.

Jordy Cornog, Canterbury

Concord Monitor

Letter: Driving Miss Daisy?

Published: 10/20/2022 7:00:18 AM

Driving Miss Daisy? Not quite. But I had the opportunity to be part of the team of “designated drivers” for our candidates, Ellen and Ruth. Ellen Scarponi and Ruth Heath are Democratic candidates running to represent Loudon and Canterbury at the State House. They have each set themselves the goal of knocking on 1,000 doors in our district to introduce themselves to voters. As driver, there were some interesting conversations I overheard. There was a mom who described herself as “fiscally conservative” but most of all, she wants to protect a woman’s right to choose. She’s voting for Ellen and Ruth.

There’s the man who quickly conveyed he’s a Republican and proceeded to engage in a 40 minute conversation, finding commonalities and respect. There’s the man who expressed cynicism in the system but was impressed with the skills and commitment these candidates bring to serving our district at the State House. And, there’s the man who liked what Ellen and Ruth stand for and invited them in for a beer! I hope you have an opportunity to meet these candidates. You too will be impressed with their commitment to our children and families to help make NH a safer and nurturing place for all of us to thrive. And you too can vote for Ellen Scarponi and Ruth Heath on November 8.

Doris Hampton, Canterbury

Don’t ignore races for critical state offices

To the Editor: Many voters don’t recognize the names of candidates running for the New Hampshire House and Senate and leave those spaces blank on their ballot. Please don’t make that mistake!

Our state legislature makes critical decisions, and it’s been taken over by Free State/libertarian extremists.

In Loudon and Canterbury, our Republican representatives voted in lockstep with these extremists, and they’re running again. Let’s replace them with candidates who share our values.

Incumbent Republicans Reps. Jose Cambrils and Mike Moffett and Howard Pearl (running for state Senate) voted to criminalize abortion after 24 weeks, even in cases of rape and incest. They then went even further, voting to ban abortions after six weeks, but luckily that bill failed.

All three of our current representatives voted to send millions in public funds to private and religious schools, many of which reject applicants based on disability or LGBTQ status, and none of which are required to publicly disclose their curricula, student progress or finances. They voted to threaten public school teachers with loss of license for discussing “banned” concepts, and they voted against estab-a climate action plan.

Democrats Ruth Heath, Ellen Scarponi and David Nesbitt are running to represent us in the House, while Christine Tappan is running for state Senate. They believe women should make their own health care decisions, climate change is a serious threat, and strong public schools are fundamental in healthy democracies and vibrant communities.

On Nov. 8, please vote for Heath, Scarponi, Nesbitt, and Tappan.


Concord Monitor

Letter: Three great reps

Published: 10/25/2022 7:03:00 AM

Loudon and Canterbury have three great candidates for state representative. People can vote for both Ellen Scarponi and Ruth Heath for the two seats in District 4 and elect David Nesbitt in floterial District 26, which includes the towns of Loudon and Canterbury as well as Boscawen, Webster, Salisbury, Andover, Danbury, and Hill. A longtime Canterbury resident, Ellen Scarponi served as director of government relations for the telephone company, working with state government at all levels, and she also served on several non-profit boards. With a quick smile and great listening skills, she is eager to help New Hampshire move forward.

Another longtime Canterbury resident, Ruth Heath, taught math at the middle and high school levels as well as at NHTI. She chaired the Canterbury Energy Committee and helped develop the Sycamore Community Garden. She is hardworking with excellent communication skills and will be dedicated to serving New Hampshire. David Nesbitt, a Webster resident, worked in outdoor recreation before teaching history at Alvirne High School. He is knowledgeable and eager to listen. He changed his retirement plans to be part of addressing the issues facing New Hampshire. These candidates all support and value quality public education. They will work to ensure everyone has access to quality health care and support paid family leave and women’s right to choose regarding abortion. They will work to counter climate change, promote clean energy, and develop affordable housing. Please vote for Ruth, Ellen, and David on November 8th.

Laura Vincent, Loudon

Concord Monitor

Letter: Vote for women

Published: 10/20/2022 7:00:50 AM

Throughout much of U.S. history, women have had to take a backseat in government affairs. The voters of New Hampshire changed that thinking when they elected Jeanne Shaheen as governor in 1996, 1998 and 2000. In 2012 and 2014 voters again elected another woman to be governor, Maggie Hassan. Both women served our state well enough for voters to send them to Washington to represent us in the U.S. Senate.

Alongside Govs. Shaheen and Hassan, New Hampshire voters also elected Carol Shea-Porter from District 1 and Annie Kuster from District 2 to represent us in the U.S. House of Representatives. Canterbury and Loudon voters, let’s continue that tradition on November 8, by electing Ruth Heath and Ellen Scarponi to the NH State Legislature, and Christine Tappan to the State Senate from District 7. These women will uphold the protection of a women’s right to reproductive health, promote policies that protect our environment, strengthen gun safety laws and support public education. Please vote for these women on November 8.

Kate Goegel, Canterbury

Concord Monitor

Letter: Supporting my local candidates

Published: 10/26/2022 7:00:34 AM

I oppose wars of aggression on sovereign nations. I support a war on poverty. I oppose the death penalty. I support gun safety to include the banning of military-style assault weapons. I support the public education system. I support women’s reproductive health and their right to choose. I am pro-life. I will vote for all Democratic candidates. They will uncompromisingly take the oath of office to support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, as I did as a U.S. Army officer.

How do I explain to my grandchildren that I was willing to throw away our democracy because gas prices were too high? How will the Republicans solve the inflation issue? Economies don’t flourish in an autocracy. Once in office and

regaining the power they so crave, will Republicans further erode our individual rights, privatize Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid, and withdraw military support to Ukrainians in their struggle to preserve their democracy? I will begin by supporting my local candidates Ellen Scarponi and Ruth Heath (House District 4), David Nesbitt (House District 26) and Christine Tappan (Senate District 17). Please vote on November 8.

John T. Goegel, Canterbury

Concord Monitor

Letter: Protect our constitutions

Published: 10/9/2022 7:00:32 AM

How secure are our state and federal constitutions? In the case of our federal constitution, the founders wisely built in a process for amending the document, by the agreement of 2/3 of the House and Senate, and 3/4 of the states. In the same section, Article V, they also allowed for the Congress to convene a whole new constitutional convention. The process is a little complicated, but it can be initiated by request of 34 state legislatures. Once convened, depending upon who is selected to serve in that convention, it may be that some of the acknowledged flaws of the Constitution can be addressed.

There is also a danger that, if certain factions took control of the convention, there would be no limit to the damage that would be done to the democracy that we have lived in for most of the last couple of centuries. In the current political climate, do we want to take that chance? This is one of the many good reasons for each one of us to see to it that Democrats retake the NH House, Senate, and governor’s office. And remain in control in Washington as well. Residents of Canterbury and Loudon, let us cast our votes November 8th for these citizen-neighbors who have stepped up to serve: Ruth Heath, Ellen Scarponi, David Nesbitt, and Christine Tappan.

Fred Portnoy, Canterbury

Concord Monitor

Letter: Running to represent us

Published: 10/12/2022 7:02:15 AM

Many voters don’t recognize the names of candidates running for the NH Legislature and leave those spaces blank on the ballot. Don’t make that mistake! Our state legislature makes critical decisions, and it’s been taken over by Free State/Libertarian extremists. In Loudon and Canterbury, our Republican representatives voted in lockstep with these extremists, and they’re running again. Let’s replace them with candidates who share our values. Incumbent Republicans Jose Cambrils and Mike Moffett (running for NH House) and Howard Pearl (running for NH Senate) voted to criminalize abortion after 24 weeks, even in cases of rape and incest. They then went even further, voting to ban abortions after six weeks, but luckily that bill failed.

All three of our current representatives voted to send millions in public funds to private and religious schools, many of which reject applicants based on disability or LGBTQ status, and none of which are required to publicly disclose their curricula, student progress or finances. They voted to threaten public school teachers with loss of license for discussing “banned” concepts, and they voted against establishing a climate action plan.

Democrats Ruth Heath, Ellen Scarponi and David Nesbitt are running to represent us in the NH House, while Christine Tappan is running for NH Senate. They believe women should make their own healthcare decisions, climate change is a serious threat, and strong public schools are fundamental in healthy democracies and vibrant communities. Deborah and Dennis Jakubowski, Rev. Emily Burr, Alan Hodsdon and I ask that you please vote for them on Nov. 8.

Maja Hauck Smith, Canterbury

Concord Monitor

Letter: Healthcare votes for Loudon and Canterbury

Published: 10/18/2022 7:00:41 AM

I have closely followed the voting records on health related issues of our three state representatives for Loudon and Canterbury: Jose Cambrils, Michael Moffett and Howard Pearl. I believe their voting records reveal a problematic preference for legislation which weakens our health care systems. They aim to reduce the role of government in health matters. And, they magnify the importance of individual liberty while dangerously minimizing the responsibility each citizen has to support the health of their neighbors and community. Here are some specific bills which all three of our representatives voted to support.

HB 1210 would allow any adult or parent of a child to refuse any mandated vaccine, such as Polio or Measles, without qualifying for the traditional religious or medical exemptions. HB 1477 would prohibit abortions once a fetal heart beat is detected at 6 weeks of pregnancy which coincides with the earliest time most women realize they are pregnant. HB 1022 would establish a system for dispensing the anti-parasite drug Ivermectin directly from a pharmacist for patients with COVID, despite no scientific evidence supporting such treatment. While none of these bills became law, voting for them suggests our current representatives based their votes more on partisan politics rather than on medical and public health science. I recommend the citizens of Canterbury and Loudon vote for Ruth Heath, Ellen Scarponi and David Nesbitt for state representatives and Christine Tappan for state senator. These Democratic candidates will vote with your health in mind.

Randy Hayes, Canterbury

Concord Monitor

Letter: Those days are gone

Published: 10/14/2022 7:00:24 AM

In the past, there were Republicans who governed responsibly with respect for the rule of law and our democratic institutions. They had policy positions with which I disagreed, but they had a certain ethical core and they were making an honest effort to make our country a better place. Those days are gone. The current Republican party is distinguished by lies about election integrity, voter suppression efforts, denial of basic science, restrictions on women’s rights, attacks on LGBTQ rights, marginalization of racial and ethnic minorities, as well as threatening the health of all Americans by rolling back every environmental safeguard they can. If you care about democracy, our planet, and basic human dignity I urge you to vote Democratic up and down the ballot.

That means replacing Gov. Sununu with Dr. Tom Sherman, keeping Reps. Kuster and Pappas, keeping Sen. Hassan, and voting for Democrats for state senate and state representative. In Canterbury that means supporting Christine Tappan for state senate and Ellen Scarponi, Ruth Heath and David Nesbit for state rep. Most people are familiar with Sherman, Kuster, Pappas and Hassan and are aware of their merits. You might not know much about the down-ballot candidates mentioned above. I have met each of them and have been impressed by their humility, their integrity and their commitment to public service. They are not driven by ideology or ambition, but are running to make what difference they can in defending democracy, our public schools, our basic rights and our environment.

Stephen Rasche, Canterbury

Concord Monitor

Letter: Candidates I can trust

Published: 10/27/2022 7:00:30 AM

Having known Ruth Heath for decades, I was pleased when she decided to run for state representative for Loudon and Canterbury. Since she began her active campaign, I’ve been astounded by the energy she has brought to the effort, visiting hundreds of homes to talk with voters and soaking up details on the key issues they have discussed with her. Her extensive leadership experience on the faculty at NHTI, the Canterbury Energy Committee, the Sycamore Community Garden, and other local nonprofits will serve her well as she serves the community. I know I can count on Ruth to support policies that benefit working families, protect women’s freedom, and advance solutions to the climate crisis. She’ll get one of my two votes in Merrimack District 4.

My other vote in the district will go to Ellen Scarponi, whom I’ve gotten to know more recently. Ellen brings an abundance of common sense coupled with passion about education, women’s rights, and civic responsibility. I’ve also had occasions to meet and listen to Christine Tappan, who is running for State Senate, and Dave Nesbitt, who is running in the floterial House district (Merrimack 26) that stretches from Andover to Loudon. Both have impressed me with their commitment, knowledge, and relevant experience. On Election Day, I’ll be happy to vote for candidates I trust to represent the best interests of our communities.

Arnie Alpert, Canterbury

Concord Monitor

Letter: Don’t be fooled

Published: 10/23/2022 7:03:20 AM

I live in Canterbury (which is in a voting district with our Loudon neighbors) and I shall be voting for the local Democratic Party candidates in Merrimack 4, Ellen Scarponi and Ruth Heath, and State Senate District 17, Christine Tappan. These three women candidates have female offspring which gives them a stake in this election and I support them completely as I have a 31- year-old daughter.

In Merrimack 26, I will be voting for Mr. David A Nesbitt, who impresses me in that he stated at a house party meeting in Canterbury that he had no children of his own but he supported public education. This is an example of a decent citizen of the United States of America. Public education requiring high school was begun in the Great Depression under President Roosevelt. The results had been a better educated population. Now public education is under assault from the Republican Party. Uninformed and uneducated people are easier to fool. Don’t be fooled.

G. Edward Hudson, Canterbury