My Background

Forty-seven years ago, my husband Greg and I moved to Canterbury, where we built the home we still live in and where we raised our two sons.

I grew up near Lake Erie, where my extended family included farmers, waitresses, truckers, factory workers, and salespeople. My mom was a waitress until WWII when she took a job in a zipper factory. My father repaired cars and started a small used car business, which he ran until he was 78. I was among the first in my extended family to attend college, which I did on scholarship, work-study, and loans.

The values I learned from my family - hard work, frugality, integrity, respect for others, and service to the community – are the values I pledge to bring to the State House.

My Values

I will bring the values I learned from my family to the State House: hard work, frugality (my mother was rural poor during the Depression), integrity, respect for all people, and service to the community (my mother volunteered for years in the veterans hospital and my aunts served on every committee in their church).

Community Service and Leadership

My service experience began in college, when I volunteered for Head Start, at an orphanage, and at a home for people with disabilities. Later I tutored at a local YMCA and volunteered at the Cleveland Association for the Blind.

In recent years, I have chaired the Canterbury Energy Committee, chaired the board of the Sycamore Community Garden, served as treasurer for the Concord Chorale, and NH Interfaith Power and Light, which helps religious congregations reduce their energy bills and their carbon footprints. I led the successful Solarize Canterbury campaign, which resulted in 43 new solar installations and doubled residential solar production. At NHTI, I have advised the Environmental Action Club since 2001, chaired the Technology Committee, was elected president of the Faculty/Staff Forum, and led the campus choir.

In the 44 years I’ve been a member of my church, I’ve served on almost every committee, taught Sunday School, served as treasurer, and have been involved with governance at the New England level. I have also volunteered with an affiliated high school and a summer camp.

Personal Qualities

I am known as someone who listens well, is patient, and who tries to build bridges over divides. I strive to create and nurture community in all my interactions, valuing the input of everyone. I treat everyone with respect, regardless of whether we agree on issues. These skills will help us find solutions and move forward together.

My Education and Working Life

I received my B.S. in Math from Allegheny College and went on to earn an M.S. in Computing Technology in Education at Nova Southeastern University. I have also done graduate study in Environmental Statistics at Virginia Tech.

I have worked in the private sector, the public sector, and the nonprofit sector, including employment as a computer programmer/analyst and as a math teacher at the middle, high school, and community college levels. As an Assistant Professor of Math at NHTI, I led the math and physical science tutoring program for 16 years.